Exploring Cool Datasets to Kickstart Your Data Science Journey

Dr. Ernesto Lee
9 min readOct 24, 2024

Data science is all about uncovering insights from data, and the foundation of every great project is a rich and interesting dataset. Whether you’re a beginner learning the ropes or an experienced data scientist looking to tackle new challenges, finding unique and diverse datasets is crucial. The good news is that the internet is filled with hidden gems of data waiting to be explored. From sports statistics and climate change to public health and crime, there are countless free datasets available that can help you build and sharpen your data science skills.

In this article, I’ve compiled a list of some of the most intriguing and lesser-known datasets you can use to explore data science. These datasets cover a wide variety of topics, and they’re perfect for practicing machine learning, data visualization, and predictive analytics. Whether you’re building models, crafting data stories, or just exploring trends, these datasets are sure to keep you engaged and inspired.

Here’s the list of cool datasets that you can dive into:

Here are some lesser-known yet fascinating sources for pulling free real-world data that can provide a wealth of interesting insights for various analyses and machine learning projects:

1. NASA Open Data Portal

  • URL: data.nasa.gov
  • Overview: Offers data related to space, astronomy, and earth sciences. You can access satellite imagery, weather data, and even datasets on asteroids and space missions.
  • Interesting Projects: Climate change modeling, satellite image analysis, or predicting solar activities.

2. FiveThirtyEight Datasets

  • URL: github.com/fivethirtyeight/data
  • Overview: FiveThirtyEight, a website known for data-driven journalism, shares datasets on sports, politics, health, and economics.
  • Interesting Projects: Analyzing political polling trends, sports performance, or understanding economic patterns.

3. OpenWeatherMap

  • URL: openweathermap.org
  • Overview: Provides access to global weather data including current weather, forecasts, and historical data for cities around the world.
  • Interesting Projects: Predicting weather patterns, analyzing climate change, or building personalized weather apps.

4. DataSF — City and County of San Francisco

  • URL: data.sfgov.org
  • Overview: This open data portal provides datasets on public services, housing, transportation, health, and more from San Francisco.
  • Interesting Projects: Crime prediction, urban development analysis, or studying public health data in urban environments.

5. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Data

  • URL: earthquake.usgs.gov/data
  • Overview: A wealth of earthquake data, including historical earthquake records, real-time monitoring, and geological surveys.
  • Interesting Projects: Predicting earthquake occurrences, mapping earthquake risk zones, or analyzing the impact of tectonic activities.

6. OpenStreetMap (OSM)

  • URL: osm.org
  • Overview: A crowd-sourced map platform that provides geospatial data on road networks, public places, and various points of interest globally.
  • Interesting Projects: Building custom maps, navigation tools, or analyzing traffic and urban infrastructure.

7. The Movie Database (TMDb) API

  • URL: themoviedb.org
  • Overview: Provides detailed metadata about movies, TV shows, and actors. It includes ratings, genres, crew data, and more.
  • Interesting Projects: Building recommendation engines, movie trend analysis, or sentiment analysis of movie reviews.

8. UCI Machine Learning Repository

  • URL: archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.php
  • Overview: While this may be well-known in machine learning circles, it still offers many less-explored datasets on biology, energy, and niche topics that aren’t as mainstream as others.
  • Interesting Projects: Genetic data analysis, energy consumption predictions, or health outcome modeling.

9. Google Public Data Explorer

  • URL: publicdata.google.com
  • Overview: Google offers a wide variety of datasets from international organizations and institutions, including public health, economics, and demographics.
  • Interesting Projects: Analyzing global economic trends, population demographics, or public health indicators.

10. Global Terrorism Database (GTD)

  • URL: start.umd.edu/gtd/
  • Overview: A comprehensive database on terrorism incidents worldwide, including details on attacks, perpetrators, locations, and casualties.
  • Interesting Projects: Analyzing terrorism trends, identifying high-risk zones, or studying the socio-political factors related to terrorism.

11. balldontlie API

  • URL: balldontlie.io
  • Overview: Provides real-time and historical NBA basketball statistics, including player and team data.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Regression, Classification
  • Project Ideas: Predict player performance in upcoming games, identify trends in team wins, build a player recommendation system for fantasy basketball.

12. Murder Accountability Project (murderdata.org)

  • URL: murderdata.org
  • Overview: The largest publicly available database of unsolved homicides in the United States, including victim profiles, crime locations, and more.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Classification, Clustering
  • Project Ideas: Predict factors that may influence whether a homicide gets solved, cluster cases to detect patterns in unsolved murders, or use geographic data to analyze crime hotspots.

13. Awesome Public Datasets on GitHub

  • URL: github.com/awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets
  • Overview: A collaborative list of high-quality public datasets on GitHub, covering a range of topics from sports to economics and beyond.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Any (depending on the dataset)
  • Project Ideas: Sports prediction models, economic trend analysis, or healthcare outcome prediction based on health records.

14. IMF World Economic Outlook

  • URL: imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/weo-database/2022/October
  • Overview: Provides economic data and forecasts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on global economic performance.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Regression, Time-Series Forecasting
  • Project Ideas: Forecast global economic growth, predict GDP changes, or analyze unemployment trends over time.

15. Spotify Web API

  • URL: developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/
  • Overview: Provides data on Spotify songs, albums, artists, and user playlists. You can access detailed track information such as tempo, danceability, and energy.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Clustering, Recommendation Systems
  • Project Ideas: Build a music recommendation engine, cluster users by listening habits, or analyze song popularity trends.

16. OpenPowerlifting API

  • URL: openpowerlifting.org/data
  • Overview: A dataset of powerlifting meet results, including details on lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) and performance.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Regression, Classification
  • Project Ideas: Predict a lifter’s performance based on historical meet data, analyze trends in strength improvement, or model injury risk based on training volume.

17. Enigma Public Data

  • URL: public.enigma.com
  • Overview: A collection of diverse public data sets covering topics like business, government, healthcare, and consumer behavior.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Any (depending on the dataset)
  • Project Ideas: Analyzing business success factors, predicting healthcare outcomes, or identifying consumer spending trends using classification or regression models.

18. London Air Quality Network

  • URL: londonair.org.uk
  • Overview: Offers real-time and historical air quality data for London, including levels of pollutants like NO2, PM10, and Ozone.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Regression
  • Project Ideas: Forecast air pollution levels based on environmental data, predict high-pollution days, or build models to classify pollution severity in different areas.

19. Kaggle’s “Not Hot” Dataset Section

  • URL: kaggle.com/datasets (Look for lesser-known datasets under “Not Hot”)
  • Overview: Kaggle has a vast selection of datasets, but its “Not Hot” section features underrated gems from fields like education, art, and niche sciences.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Any (depending on the dataset)
  • Project Ideas: Predict educational outcomes, analyze artistic trends, or solve niche scientific problems using regression, classification, or clustering techniques.

20. OpenFlights Database

  • URL: openflights.org/data.html
  • Overview: Contains data on airlines, airports, and flight routes across the globe. Includes geographical information and connectivity between airports.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Clustering, Classification
  • Project Ideas: Cluster airports by connectivity and geographic location, predict flight delays, or model flight routes for optimization.

21. Art Institute of Chicago API

  • URL: artic.edu/open-access/public-api
  • Overview: Access to high-quality data on artworks, artists, and collections at the Art Institute of Chicago, including images, titles, and descriptions.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Clustering, NLP, Computer Vision
  • Project Ideas: Build models to classify artwork styles, predict the value of art pieces, or use computer vision to analyze artwork features.

22. NOAA Climate Data Online (CDO)

  • URL: ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/
  • Overview: Access to historical weather and climate data from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Includes data on temperature, precipitation, storms, and more.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Regression
  • Project Ideas: Forecast temperature and precipitation trends, model the impact of climate change on different regions, or predict the occurrence of extreme weather events.

23. Reddit API

  • URL: reddit.com/dev/api/
  • Overview: Provides access to data from Reddit, including posts, comments, and community interactions across various subreddits.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: NLP, Sentiment Analysis
  • Project Ideas: Perform sentiment analysis on comments, predict trending topics on Reddit, or cluster subreddits based on user activity and interests.

24. Twitch API

  • URL: dev.twitch.tv
  • Overview: Twitch provides data on streaming activity, including streamers, games, and viewership statistics.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Classification
  • Project Ideas: Predict streaming popularity for certain games, analyze trends in viewer behavior, or cluster streamers based on content and viewer demographics.

25. data.gov

  • URL: data.gov
  • Overview: The U.S. government’s open data portal offers over 200,000 datasets on topics like healthcare, climate, energy, and education.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Regression, Classification
  • Project Ideas: Predicting energy consumption trends, analyzing healthcare access in different regions, or modeling climate change effects on agriculture.

26. NYC Open Data

  • URL: opendata.cityofnewyork.us
  • Overview: The official NYC Open Data portal offers a wide range of datasets related to city infrastructure, transportation, public safety, and more.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Classification, Clustering
  • Project Ideas: Predicting traffic patterns in New York, analyzing crime hotspots, or understanding public service usage by borough.

27. Miami-Dade County Open Data Portal

  • URL: opendata.miamidade.gov
  • Overview: Miami’s official open data portal provides datasets covering topics such as transportation, environmental monitoring, public safety, and property data.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Classification
  • Project Ideas: Predicting flood risk based on environmental data, analyzing Miami’s real estate trends, or modeling traffic flow during events.

28. Yahoo Finance

  • URL: yahoofinance.com (via yfinance API)
  • Overview: Access financial data including stock prices, historical trends, and market performance for public companies.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Regression
  • Project Ideas: Predict stock market prices, build financial portfolio optimization models, or study correlations between financial indicators.

29. Open Food Facts

  • URL: world.openfoodfacts.org/data
  • Overview: A global open database of food products containing nutritional information, ingredients, packaging, and environmental impact data.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Classification, Clustering
  • Project Ideas: Predicting the nutritional value of food products, clustering products by nutritional composition, or analyzing food packaging trends for sustainability.

30. Open Library API

  • URL: openlibrary.org/developers/api
  • Overview: Provides access to a vast database of book metadata, including details about authors, editions, and libraries where books are available.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Recommendation Systems, NLP
  • Project Ideas: Build a book recommendation engine, perform sentiment analysis on book reviews, or create topic models for categorizing books by genre.

31. FBI Crime Data API

  • URL: cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/docApi
  • Overview: The FBI’s Crime Data Explorer provides crime statistics from the U.S., including data on violent crime, property crime, and arrests.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Classification, Clustering
  • Project Ideas: Predicting crime rates in different areas, identifying high-risk zones, or clustering cities by crime patterns and trends.

32. OpenAQ API

  • URL: docs.openaq.org
  • Overview: Provides real-time and historical data on air quality measurements from cities worldwide, tracking pollutants such as PM2.5, PM10, and NO2.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Regression
  • Project Ideas: Forecast air quality levels, identify pollution hotspots, or model the effects of environmental policies on air quality.

33. Quandl

  • URL: quandl.com
  • Overview: A financial and economic data platform offering datasets on stock prices, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and economic indicators.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Regression
  • Project Ideas: Predict commodity prices, analyze economic indicators for recession forecasting, or model cryptocurrency price movements.

34. World Bank Open Data

  • URL: data.worldbank.org
  • Overview: Provides data on global development, including topics such as poverty, education, infrastructure, and health.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Regression, Classification
  • Project Ideas: Predicting the impact of education on poverty reduction, analyzing global health trends, or forecasting economic growth in developing countries.

35. Eurostat

  • URL: ec.europa.eu/eurostat
  • Overview: Offers statistical data from the European Union on economics, demographics, health, and the environment.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Classification
  • Project Ideas: Predicting population growth trends in Europe, analyzing economic performance by country, or modeling the effect of policies on employment.

36. Global Health Observatory (WHO)

  • URL: who.int/data/gho
  • Overview: A wealth of health-related datasets covering global disease outbreaks, life expectancy, healthcare access, and more.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Classification, Clustering
  • Project Ideas: Predicting disease outbreaks, clustering countries by healthcare quality, or modeling global trends in healthcare spending.

37. CoinGecko API

  • URL: coingecko.com/en/api
  • Overview: Provides real-time data on cryptocurrency prices, trends, and market capitalization.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Regression
  • Project Ideas: Predicting cryptocurrency price trends, modeling market volatility, or analyzing correlations between cryptocurrencies and traditional markets.

38. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

  • URL: ncei.noaa.gov
  • Overview: Access to environmental data including climate, oceans, weather patterns, and geophysical phenomena.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Time-Series Forecasting, Regression
  • Project Ideas: Forecasting extreme weather events, modeling climate change impact on ecosystems, or analyzing trends in ocean temperatures.

39. ProPublica Data Store

  • URL: propublica.org/datastore
  • Overview: Investigative journalism organization ProPublica shares data on government, finance, healthcare, and more, often used for in-depth analysis and transparency projects.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Classification, Clustering
  • Project Ideas: Analyzing healthcare fraud trends, clustering U.S. states by government transparency, or predicting outcomes based on campaign finance data.

40. The MovieLens Dataset

  • URL: grouplens.org/datasets/movielens
  • Overview: Provides data on movie ratings and preferences from users on the MovieLens platform, including metadata on films and user ratings.
  • Interesting Projects:
  • ML Type: Recommendation Systems, Clustering
  • Project Ideas: Build a movie recommendation engine, cluster users based on movie preferences, or predict a movie’s future popularity based on early ratings.


With these diverse and fascinating datasets, the possibilities for data science projects are endless. Whether you’re interested in predicting stock prices, analyzing crime trends, or building recommendation systems, each dataset offers unique insights and challenges. By exploring real-world data across different domains, you can hone your machine learning skills and make meaningful discoveries. So dive in, pick a dataset that excites you, and start building something incredible!



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